JyotiPunj Public School
, was founded by Mrs.ArchanaSukhani at shriviharbundela colony, Datia (M.P) in the year 2005. Beginning with only 40 students the school has now become a full grown high school. Mrs.Sukhani is outstanding teacher and educationist with a mission
“to serve children is to serve god” she has been at the helm of the institution.
She is the guiding Principal and the encompassing power that had brought forth the progress and growth of jyotipunj public school.
Vision of the school
Discover a way of living is whole, sane and intelligent and not merely concerned with intellect,
memory and skill. Look beyond academic excellence- teacher also taught to explore not only the outer world but also the inner – conditioning, ways of thinking and behaviour
Understand the importance and limitation of knowledge; to help one to think for one
self and out of that feel immense confidence to be a creative human being and not a slavish machine.
“A school is place where one learn both the importance of knowledge and its limitation. It is a place where one learns to observe the world without a particular point of views or conclusion. One learn to look at the whole of man‘s endeavour, his search of beauty, his research for truth and a way of living that is not a contradiction between conclusion and action .

Chairman Name
ChairmanJyotiPunj Public School was founded by Mrs.ArchanaSukhani at shriviharbundela colony, Datia (M.P) in the year 2005. Beginning with only 40 students the school has now become a full grown high school.

Vice President Name
Vice PresidentJyotiPunj Public School was founded by Mrs.ArchanaSukhani at shriviharbundela colony, Datia (M.P) in the year 2005. Beginning with only 40 students the school has now become a full grown high school.

Principal Name
PrincipalJyotiPunj Public School was founded by Mrs.ArchanaSukhani at shriviharbundela colony, Datia (M.P) in the year 2005. Beginning with only 40 students the school has now become a full grown high school.